Farmington Public Schools Launches New Mobile App
Farmington Public Schools launched the district’s new mobile app. The FPS mobile app provides information about the school district streamlined into one location. It provides access to important FPS notifications such as school closings, calendars for the district and individual schools, a staff directory, news feed, MiStar Parent Portal, MiStar Student Portal, athletic schedules and scores, PaySchools, menus, Facebook and much more. To download the app on OSx, enter the App Store via your Apple mobile device, type “Farmington Public Schools, MI” into the store search bar. For Android and the Chrome OS, download the app through the Google Play Store. If you have feedback about the App, please contact School/Community Relations at 248-489-3349. .

Farmington Seeks to Fill Planning Commission Vacancy
At the Jan. 13 Planning Commission Meeting, Kenneth Chiara, board member, announced he was not planning to seek reappointment. Farmington is now seeking a city resident to fill the vacancy, which is a three-year term ending June 30, 2022. Those interested should fill out a board and commission application and return it to Farmington City Hall, 23600 Liberty Street; email it to; or call 248-474-5500, ext. 2221. Applications are also available at City Hall. The Planning Commission develops the City’s Master Plan, establishes zoning districts and regulations applicable to each district covering the use of the land, accommodating and promoting land uses that are compatible with the city’s character, conserving property values and long-term stability of residential neighborhoods, commercial districts, and industrial areas. The Planning Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Oscar Shorts Evening
Get glammed up on Feb. 6 for the annual Oscar Shorts Evening supporting the Farmington Friends of the Library. The evening begins at 6 p.m. and tickets are now available at both library locations. The event features a viewing of the 2020 animated and live-action Oscar-nominated short films. Your $25 ticket includes the movies, a small pop and popcorn, a red carpet photo op and live music. A pre-show event will be hosted by KickstArt Gallery in downtown Farmington. For $25, participants can enjoy wine, light apps, and music. For more information, call Jaclyn at 248-553-0300 ext. 307.

Mi.Mosa Re-Opens
After a two-month closure, Farmington favorite Mi.Mosa has reopened. According to a recent article in Home Town Life, the restaurant closed to fix plumbing issues. The owners hope patrons will once again be brunching at Mi.Mosa.