Job Counseling Available through the City

MI-Works Job Counseling: Michigan Works helps prepare job applicants for new workplace opportunities and helps employers find suitable employees. Schedule an appointment at the nearest service center location.

MI-Works also maintains a book of current job listings, which is kept at the Blair Memorial Library. Look for the book on the library main counter.


Magical Party Coming to Library

On Thursday, Aug. 1, Joel’s AstroReader Magical Comedy Show blasts into the Blair Memorial Library as part of the Summer Reading Final Party.

The show by Space Man Joel features dazzling magic, silly stunts, goofy gadgets and lots of audience participation. Celebrate your summer reading accomplishments with this laugh-out-loud show at the Hunter Community Center gym.


Keep the City Green with Smart Recycling

Please remember recycling containers are green. When trash or non-recycle items are placed in recycle bins, the entire bin is considered contaminated and must be treated as trash. Please be mindful when throwing items into these bins so that Clawson can continue our commitment to be an environmentally friendly community.


Tee Up for the Rotary Golf Outing

Clawson Rotary Golf Classic is slated for Wednesday, Aug. 7 at 10 a.m. Glen Oaks Golf Club is hosting this year.

Come enjoy the “Joe & Larry” Memorial Classic, 18 holes on one of Michigan’s finest courses, lunch on the course, dinner, prizes and more. Forms can be found in city buildings or register and pay online at Prices vary.


Clawson Historical Museum Turns 100

The Clawson Historical Museum turns 100 this year. Watch the Clawson Historical Museum Facebook page for details on the upcoming celebration in September.


Rebecca Calappi

Rebecca Calappi

City News Editor

To share your news, announcements, and events, please email