Utility Box “Pops” in Downtown Birmingham
Artist Anne Ritchie recently put the final touches on the utility box that looks like a popcorn box in front of the Birmingham 8 Theater. The Public Arts Board wanted to choose something theatrical that would pop and add some flavor to downtown. The community seems to have buttered up to the design and are showing excited for the Public Arts Board’s future ideas. Learn more about the Public Arts Board on the city’s website.

I did it! I ran my first 5k race. I went into it thinking I wasn’t going to make it, that I was going to let myself down. But, you know what? It was great.
I ran my personal best time. I finished in the upper half of my age group. I got a medal. I didn’t do as well as the pace runner who was pregnant and finished a 10k five minutes behind me. And I certainly didn’t run as well as the lady who didn’t even break a sweat when she was passing me.
But for someone who never thought to run a race, but here am. And I have to say, I’m pretty proud.
Next on my list is the Kona Chocolate 5k in November.
City Seeks Election Inspectors for Fall Election and 2020 Presidential Election Cycle
To prepare for a busy election season this fall as well as the anticipated high turnout during the 2020 presidential election cycle, the city is seeking election inspectors.
City election inspectors take on a variety of roles on Election Day. Inspectors duties can include: processing voters when they arrive at their polling location; assisting voters while they cast their ballots; helping to close a precinct when voting is complete as well as other assorted tasks throughout Election Day.
Candidates must be at least 16 years old (the voter registration requirement is waived for inspectors under 18), be a registered voter in Michigan, and be able to attend a paid election inspector training session.
The pay rate for an inspector is $11 per hour. Election inspectors can anticipate working a total of about 17 hours, with the bulk of their time dedicated to activities on Election Day.
More information, including a link to apply, can be found at www.bhamgov.org/voting. Or contact the City Clerk’s office at 248-530-1880.
Birmingham Seeks City Clerk
Birmingham is seeking qualified candidates for the position of City Clerk.
City of Birmingham Employment Applications are available online at www.bhamgov.org/jobs or in the City of Birmingham Human Resources Department, at 151 Martin St..
Groves Student Comes in Second on America’s Got Talent
Birmingham Groves senior LaNiece Galloway competed on “America’s Got Talent” as a part of the Detroit Youth Choir. The Detroit Youth Choir took second place in the national competition.
The Detroit Youth Choir embodies the energy, dedication, and spirit of Detroit, and its young members are an inspiration to everyone.

Birmingham St. Croix Shop Imports from Italy
This fall season, stop in to the Birmingham St. Croix clothing store to shop the latest styles from fine clothiers. From Italy to the United States, Birmingham St. Croix has what you need to look sharp throughout the upcoming holidays.