New City Phone Numbers
The City has updated to a digital phone service and some of our numbers have been changed. The following numbers have been updated:
City Hall: 248 733-3700
Fire Dept.: 248 841-1439
City Hall Fax: 248 963-2105
Fire Dept. Fax: 248 963-2105

Save Time Paying for Your Water Bill
Everyone is busy, so it’s nice to have options for paying bills. Now, City of Rochester Water and Sewer services has an Automatic Payment Option, which can save time and money.
Water bills will be paid on time, every time, directly from a checking account. No stamps are required. Participants will still receive a copy of the bill, along with an email, before the due date, so there will be time to ask questions before payment is processed.
To sign up for this program, click on the “Automatic Water & Sewer Billing & Paperless Billing Form” and print the application. Complete it by hand, being sure to date and sign it, then mail or deliver it to City Hall. Be sure to include a voided check. The automated payment will apply to your next quarterly bill.
Transportation Voucher Program for Those with Limited Mobility
Oakland Community Health Network, Freedom Road Transportation, and Rural Transportation Voucher Program are introducing a free mileage reimbursement program for older adults, veterans and people with disabilities who are seeking transportation to behavioral health and/or substance use treatment services.
This program assists those who live in the rural areas of Oakland County, who do not have Medicaid coverage and do not have access to public transportation in their area. Individuals on this program identify their own volunteer driver, which can include but is not limited to a family member, friend, someone they know within their community, etc.
The mileage reimbursement rate is 58 cents per mile up to 100 miles each month. This reimbursement is not considered income and will not affect any other benefits.
Questions? Or want to see if you qualify? Contact Margaret Topij at 248-418-6209 or For more information, please visit
Inspiration and Plagiarism: How to Seek One While Avoiding the Other
As young writers develop their craft, it’s easy to slip and dive headlong into plagiarism.
Many young writers struggle with this idea, but no one wants to be hampered with fear of prosecution.
In this workshop, writers can practice the art of careful borrowing, of drawing inspiration and of branching off of that work to create something that is wholly and unquestionably their own.
Sign up teens for the Wednesday, Sept. 11, or Thursday, Sept. 12, seminar at Club Educate, 108 East Second Street in Rochester.