Birmingham – March 20, 2019
We’d love to know what you think! After you read this week’s City News, please take a moment to answer some quick questions that you will find at the bottom of this page.
Making Sen$e of District Dollars
Join Superintendent Mark Dziatczak and School Community Partnership for coffee and casual conversation around funding within the Birmingham Public Schools on Tuesday, March 26, 8:30 to 10 am at the Birmingham Public Schools Education and Administration Center.

Join City Commission to Review Proposed Development Agreement
The Birmingham City Commission will hold a workshop to review a proposed Development Agreement for the new North Old Woodward Parking Structure and related Bates Street development project on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 starting at 5 pm at City Hall in the Commission Room. There will be a full review of the Development Agreement, but since this meeting is a workshop, no actions will be taken Formal consideration of the Development Agreement will be done at the April 8 City Commission meeting. This meeting is open to the public and the public is welcome to attend. Agenda items for City Commission meetings can be found on the City’s website at www.bhamgov.org.
Spring Lifeguard Training
This class will teach participants the knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies, including CPR/AED and First Aid instruction. Both full course and recertification are available. Certification allows lifeguard to work at a pool. Participants must be at least 15 years old and able to 1) Swim 300 yards continuously using the following strokes: 100 yards of front crawl using rhythmic breathing & propellant kick; 100 yards of the breast stroke; 100s yard of the front crawl and/or breast stroke 2) Swim 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10 pound object and swim 20 yards back to the starting point in under 1 minute 40 seconds. Swim goggles are not permitted. 3) Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs, hands under armpits. Class will be eight sessions at Seaholm High School, beginning April 10. Register at www.communityed.net or 248.203.3800.

Birmingham Citizen’s Academy
Interested in learning about city government…for free? Applications to attend the 2019 Birmingham Citizens Academy are now being accepted through April 20, 2019. Download the 2019 Birmingham Citizens Academy application form here. This interactive eight-week program is open to Birmingham residents 18 years and older, and is designed to provide a fun, informative learning experience for citizens who want to understand how the City of Birmingham operates. For more information about the Citizens Academy, visit: bhamgov.org/citizensacademy or contact Kevin Byrnes, Communications Director, at kbyrnes@bhamgov.org or 248.203.3800.
Special Siren Test
To promote severe weather safety preparedness, Oakland County will conduct a special test of the Outdoor Warning System on Wednesday, March 27 at 1 pm. The purpose of this test is to raise the awareness level of our citizens and offer schools and businesses an opportunity to test their internal disaster plans during normal business hours. View future siren testing dates online here.

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