Birmingham’s St. Croix Shop Shares History and Gives Back to Museum – and Clients
The St. Croix Shop, recently re-situated – and thriving — in downtown Birmingham (in the Art-Deco Wabeek building, designed by Albert Kahn in 1928), is hosting a “Give back to the Birmingham Museum” fundraiser September 28-30.
“I came up with the idea of a fundraiser from my St Croix clients who shared stories of Birmingham back in the day 30 years ago or longer and since our store is part of a historic building I wanted to incorporate the History of What Downtown Birmingham Was to What it is today by creating a fundraiser to Give Back to the Birmingham Museum. Plus I want my clients and the community to know how special Birmingham is and gain an appreciation of local history through the years of the town St. Croix is honored to call Home.”
In addition to introducing its new, fall line, The St. Croix Shop will have a photo display from the museum, and clients will be offered a discount on purchases of regular-priced merchandise in exchange for a donation to the museum.
St. Croix Shop: 248-816-1390 st.croixshop.com
Birmingham Museum: 248-530-1928 bhamgov.org/museum
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